Monday, April 18, 2005

La la la la la la!

I haven't posted in two weeks b/c I had a fire-hot dilemma on my hands: the day after returning from NY, while sitting at my desk at work, a dread creeped over me, like someone smashed an egg on my noggin. Why NY? Why not here at home, in Texas? NY could totally blow like bazooka joe, but I know for a hard, clinical fact that I love it here on the Lone Star range. Also, to go to one of those NY schools, I would have taken on enough debt to fund my own Iraq invasion: three years of U of Houston cost less than one (1!) year of NYLS.

So I decided this is it, this is the range and I'm at home. (there's more to it than that, but time won't yield)

Unfortunately, this decision backbumps my plans by a year. I'll take the LSAT again and learn more about law at work and in my independent study and apply to UH and UT for the Fall of 2006. So I'll be 27 when I enroll rather than 26. C'est la vie. And la vie is getting longer and longer such that I'll be able to work until I'm 98.

The day I told my kind, sweet HR person about my decision to stay here was the same day one of the file clerks in litigation turned in her week-and-a-half notice. Because yours truly had declared his far-sighted plans, he was subsequently offered the position, or in francais, une posicion.

Lesson learned: commitment can score you hot new prospects.

In between hence and thence: new job with new ropes, and studying for the LSAT. Last time I paid for one of those prep courses and I'm not saying I didn't learn anything, but this time (the last time) I'm instituting my own program: Fat Rocks The Standardized Demon, comprised only of difficult analytical reading (Wittgenstein & Chomsky--my old pals!) and old exams.

Sometimes I reflect on how quickly life zooms and how little I've got on my resume. Then I sing myself to distraction!


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